Technical Security System: Secure and Compliant
Learn everything about the TSS and its role in the Kassensicherungsverordnung (KassenSichV).
Components and Functionality of the Technical Security System (TSS)
The Security Module SMAERS processes all relevant transaction data within a cash register system transaction. It ensures that all essential information, such as start time, transaction type, and payment details, is accurately captured and prepared for signing.
The Cryptographic Service Provider (CSP) cryptographically signs the data. This signature protects the transactions from subsequent tampering and guarantees that all recorded data is authentic and unaltered.
An ascending signature and transaction counter ensures that every transaction is documented without gaps. This feature allows automatic detection and prevention of any gaps in the records.
The TSS components CSP-L and SMAERS are reviewed and certified by independent evaluators. The entire TSS is then tested by the TR test of the BSI (Federal Office for Information Security) to ensure compliance with the highest security standards.
Certification of the Technical Security System (TSS)
The certification of the TSS by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) guarantees the highest security standards and compliance with all legal requirements. Learn how the certification protects your cash register systems and why it is essential.
SIGN DE – The Architecture of the Cloud-TSS
The SIGN DE architecture by fiskaly is specifically designed to meet the high legal requirements of a certified Technical Security System (TSS). The article provides detailed insights into components like SMAERS and CSP-L, demonstrating how they are used in distributed systems to ensure maximum security and efficiency.