Seminar Retro fiskaly. SIGN DE System Architecture
In our last seminar, Johannes Ferner (CEO), Patrick Gaubatz (CTO) and Elias Priesching (BizDev Lead) spoke in detail about the system architecture of fiskaly SIGN DE. fiskaly SIGN DE is our fiscalisation solution (technical security system - TSS) for the German Kassensicherungsverordnung (KassenSichV).
Politicians and market participants are calling for more digitalization in Germany and thus also for the possibility of implementing the KassenSichV in a technology-neutral manner. fiskaly SIGN DE is a cloud-based and thus a distributed system. It has been certified by the Federal Office for Information Security (BSI) until 2029 on the basis of the specific requirements for such systems.
The architecture of our cloud-based TSS is significantly shaped by the legal requirements for a certified technical security system (TSS) as well as the implementation of distributed (POS) systems. In the thematic sections of the seminar, the structure of the system architecture, the certified operation as well as the environment protection of the Cloud TSS fiskaly SIGN DE were discussed. At the end, the speakers answered your questions in detail.
The seminar can be viewed on our Youtube channel.